Thursday, December 03, 2009

Apa Bezanya???!!!


Setelah sekian lama, rasanya sudah sampai pada masanya mereka yang dah tua2 nak nyanyuk, sedar2 laa...

Letak jawatan, wat orang lain pening jer... Tapi wat pening kire ok laa...

TAPI... Nik Aziz nih, dah la tua, nyanyuk, tapi orang still percaya pada dier untuk lead a nation?? What the fuck is wrong with all of you simple fucking minded Kelantan people???

They accuse the Barisan Nasional that the BN people are people who will go to hell, they live with non halal money...

What about spreading FALSE religion teaching

Ini laa masalah orang melayu kita nih... Eh silap, orang konon2 dapat masuk syurga nih... Nyayuk, sangka diri die rasul or nabi... Suker2 jer keluar kan fatwa...

I agree with the Deputy Prime Minister that we should just let that OLD FUCKING RETARD to govern Kelantan so we can finally see how STUPID THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR PAS...

For me PAS stands for PERVERTED ASS SOCIETY.... Well, its because most of them are GAY... Hey, Anwar is in there remember??

The morale of the story is, before criticizing other people, PLEASE, judge yourself first...

Bagi mereka yang JUMUD ( OBVIOUSLY MEREKA YANG VOTED UNTUK SI PAK AZIZ BUTA TUH...) Sebelum menilai orang lain, cermin laa diri sendiri dulu...


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